Starting With Strengths #3: Learning at Different Ages
CourseLearn how to identify and explain learning that happens at different ages, from toddler to preschooler. Learn how observation can help plan learning experiences for the future learner as well as the present one.
Play & Learning Stories Series 1: Observe to Guide Intentional Teaching
CourseThis course will guide you through the Notice, Recognise, Respond process: noticing and recognising the learning in the play and planning how best to respond to these observations in meaningful ways.
Play & Learning Stories Series 2: Math Concepts and Language Skills
CourseIn this webinar, we'll learn how to recognize math concepts and early language opportunities in play, and then how to use those insights in your teaching response.
How Learning Stories Capture Play-Based Learning
CourseMany services embrace a play-based approach, but they use assessments that do not truly capture the learning growth of their approach. Many also struggle to communicate the value of play. Kelly Goodsir explains how Learning Stories achieve that goal.
Starting With Strengths: #1 Using a Strength-Based Approach
CourseUsing children's strengths encourages them to have powerful identities. Learning Stories highlight strength in an authentic manner that is meaningful for the parent and child. How can we learn to see moments of strength to write about?
Starting With Strengths #2: Lenses for Learning
CourseLearn how to highlight children's strengths in meaningful ways for parents and children. How do we view children's learning, and how do we assess their strengths? How can we learn to see moments of strength to write about?
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