Understanding and Supporting Toddler Behaviour
Course4.8 average rating (5 reviews)Understand the reasoning and motivations behind toddlers' behaviours and learn strategies to support them in positive ways that promote their healthy emotional development.
Nurturing Neurodiversity
Course4.9 average rating (9 reviews)Understand the complex history of neurodiversity, with a focus on ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder, and uncover a novel approach to new or unexpected behaviors.
Safeguarding Our Tamariki: Child Protection Course
Course4.9 average rating (8 reviews)An overview of how to recognize and respond to child abuse, for early learning services in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Meaningful Infant and Toddler Environments
Course5.0 average rating (5 reviews)This 2 part course offers an overview of designing infant toddler environments with core values in mind. This session will guide you through how to continuously transform your environments, using them as a responsive third teacher.
Reframing Challenging Behavior (17 min)
Course4.8 average rating (13 reviews)This mini course offers a guide to rethink and reframe Challenging Behavior to uncover more sustainable and effective solutions.
Literacy in Play - Noticing, Recognising and Responding
Course4.9 average rating (8 reviews)Dr. Sarah Aiono will share practical ways to notice and recognise when children are exploring literacy as they play. Learning Stories then serve as the best documentation of that exploration.
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