Loose Parts, Learning More With Less
CourseLearn how the "loose parts" approach brings life to learning through student-led, play-based activities. Kelly Goodsir describes how rich this deceptively simple technique can be.
Inquiry-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education
CourseIn a science experiment, what's more important? The knowledge acquired at the end or the learning muscles -- creativity, curiosity, logic -- exercised on the journey? Learning to learn starts with inquiry. Kelly Goodsir explains.
Showcasing Values: Telling the Stories of the Culture of our School
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Values tell the story of your programs community and culture. This workshop will guide you in processes to tell the story of your program and highlight your values.
Respectful People, Places and Things in an Early Childhood Setting, by Toni Christie
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Early Childhood visionary, Toni Christie, shares her research on respect in caregiving settings and offers approaches and strategies to incorporate respect into your caregiving practices, including interactions, dispositions, and materials.
Transitioning a Center to Learning Stories
CourseThis session aims to help those in leadership roles get started with Learning Stories in their programs. Elements covered could include generating staff and family buy-in and enthusiasm, supporting staff with beginning to write and developing comfor
How to Write Learning Stories for Staff Development
CourseThis course will walk through using Learning Stories as a tool for staff development. Write learning stories as evaluation to leverage strength-based thinking throughout your center!
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