In Loving Memory of Diane Kashin, a Professional Friend to Many ❤

Special Guest: Diane Kashin

In a conversation with Academy Director, Julia Koumbassa, Diana Kashin shares her research and information from her new book on professional friendships. In this session, Diane shares, not only how to cultivate professional friendships, but also why they are important to our work as early childhood professionals, and also how we can rethink supporting children's friendships.

  • Learn what it means to be in a Professional Friendship
  • Understand why Professional Friendships are important to our work as early learning professionals
  • Uncover new ways to view and support children's friendships

Diane Kashin, Author and Retired ECE Professor

Diane is a retired ECE professor from Canada. She has co-written three ECE textbooks and her new book with Redleaf Press, Cultivating Professional Friendships in Early Childhood Education is out in the fall. Diane has presented webinars, workshops, and keynote addresses across Canada and internationally.
Diane writes a blog: Technology Rich Inquiry Based Research and loves to engage in professional learning with friends.